Friday, November 18, 2016


My young adult book THAT NIGHT under my author name Lisa McManus is a FINALIST for the Evernight Publishing Reader's Choice Awards in the Best Evernight Teen Book Cateory! Final voting is happening right now - Deadline to vote is November 30th.

Those who vote are entered for a chance to win a gift certificate - I'm hoping those who voted last time (thank you!) will revisit, and anyone who wanted to before but missed out will take a moment and vote.

If you're so inclined, the link is below and be sure to click on 'Click Here to Cast Your Vote' and scroll through to Category #29 - Best Evernight Teen Book - That Night Lisa McManus

Evernight Publishing Blog

I'm so thrilled and so excited by this! Thank you so very very much for your past and present support!
Winners and runners up will be announced in December smile emoticon:)

Find out more about my book at Evernight Teen

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